Today, nearly 80% of businesses use videos as a means of advertising their products and services. Moreover, 99% of these brands believe that they’ll continue to do so. Why is that so? Well, videos have proven their worth as one of the most effective means of marketing a product or a brand.

But with so many types of animated videos available for advertising products, which one should you choose? The answer is simple – Animated commercial videos.

In this article, we’ve put together some of the best animated commercials that you can take inspiration from. But before we do that, let’s talk about what animated commercial videos are. Let’s head into this

What Is An Animated Commercial Video

Animated commercial videos are one of the essential types of marketing videos that one could leverage today. Judging by the name “Commercial videos,” you can tell that these videos are meant for advertising a brand, service, or products, etc.

These videos are often promoted over social media and other marketing channels through paid media spend. Also, these videos are made to achieve specific goals. Here are three examples.

  • Raising Brand Awareness: Unlike the other types of videos meant to cater to and educate existing customers, animated commercial videos are promoted through paid media spend to target a new audience and raise your brand awareness.
  • Increasing Conversions: An animated commercial video is a great tool to leverage if you plan to improve your overall conversion rate. Whether your goal is to increase subscribers, app downloads, or generating new leads, these videos quickly convey the information that your audience needs before purchasing.
  • Launching A Product: Animated commercial videos are an excellent tool for launching new products as they can explain complicated subjects in an engaging and fun-to-watch manner.

Now that you know what animated commercial videos are, here are examples of three great animated commercials you can take inspiration from.

Top Animated Commercials To Get Inspiration From

Project Sunroof (Google)

The animated commercial of Google’s Project Sunroof is a perfect example of how animated commercials can explain even the most complex subjects engagingly. In this video, Google explains how much money you can save if you switch from traditional electricity to solar power.

Even though the subject is quite tricky, but Google did a great job explaining it in a very concise and engaging manner. The video got quite popular on the internet and received nearly 3 million views on YouTube.

Follow Your Dreams (Seneca)

This fantastic video from Seneca is a perfect example of excellent motion designing and an ideal script. However, the best is yet to come. The highlight of this video is the essence of emotion that this video delivers for its audience. It quickly relates to the problem faced by its target audience.

It talks about high school students with diplomas but no degree and knows what to do next. After that, the video explains how Seneca College is the solution to their problem.

Say Hello (Headspace)

Headspace specializes in meditation. Their animated commercial video is probably one of the most prominent videos that show meditation as a fun and peaceful process. The 1 minute and 45 seconds video starts with a creative scene-setting of 25 seconds, explaining how meditation is beneficial for health. This is because meditation is the hardest thing to sell on the internet. After that, the video is concluded with a clear CTA

This animated commercial has a massive number of 11 million viewers on YouTube.

These were some examples of the best animated commercial video that you can draw inspiration from.

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